Carpet Repairs

Common Causes of Carpet Installation Defects
Improper Installation: The most common cause of buckles in carpeting that has
been installed using a power-stretcher is that the carpet was never stretched in properly to begin with. In
small areas the use of a knee kicker alone may be sufficient. However in medium and larger sized rooms, the
use of a power-stretcher becomes absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, carpet installers tend to cut corners
by only using a knee kicker to install carpet instead of a power-stretcher. The reason for this is that
carpet installers get paid by how many yards of carpet they can install per day. Using just a knee kicker is
much faster than using a power-stretcher and will usually get enough tension to get the carpeting to lay
flat. End results may appear to have your carpet looking great, but your carpeting may start rippling within
anywhere from a few weeks to two after installation.
Within the first year after installation, if you start to see signs that your carpet is rippling, call the
company you purchased it from immediately. In many cases you can get them to send the professional installer
back to stretch the carpet free of charge. After the first year, you will likely be out of luck and are
better off hiring a company that specializes in correcting theses types of problems that installers
typically make.
Additional Causes of Carpet Rippling
High humidity: Carpet is constructed with plastic and/or latex. The humidity
isn’t really the cause of the problem here. What’s actually happening is that latex materials used in the
backing of the carpet absorb moisture. This causes the latex to expand and can cause carpet buckling if
there is not sufficient tension on the carpet. You may have noticed that if you have visible ripples in your
carpet they can look worse on humid days or you may get humps in your carpet that disappear when the
humidity returns to normal. Moisture can cause the carpet's backing to shrink and expand. Many times steam
carpet cleaning, which uses excessive amounts of hot water, can cause your carpeting to buckle severely when
you previously didn’t see any sign of a problem. In this case improper cleaning leading to excessively long
drying time can result in carpet defects. Once again the cause is also insufficient tension on the latex
carpet backing brought to light by the high levels of moisture present from the cleaning. Usually, once the
carpet dries fully, the buckles will settle down again.
Dragging Heavy Furniture: You should make it a point to never drag any heavy furniture across the
surface of a carpet. The tack strips that hold the carpet in place has little nail-like spikes that grip the
backing of the carpet. The force excerpted by dragging a heavy object across the surface can easily be
enough to rip the carpet right off the tack strips causing damage to the carpet backing or loosening the
strip in the process. Also some carpet fiber types such as olefin have a very low melting point and the heat
generated by dragging an object over it can be enough to melt it causing permanent damage in the form of a
line across the surface which cannot be removed by carpet cleaning.
Age: Carpet can eventually loosen due to normal factors such as the compression of padding in high
traffic area’s which allows more flexing of the carpet backing causing it to relax as well as the normal
decomposing (delamination) of the latex in the backing materials with age.
Carpet stretching can be completed anywhere from a few hours to a full working day
depending on the square footage and amount of furniture needed to be moved. On average we can stretch up
to 500 square feet of carpet in under 3 hours at a competitive rate. We offer free onsite estimates Monday
through Saturday from 9am-6pm.
Professional carpet stretching services are an extremely regular carpet repair you have to do it if your
carpet has wrinkles. With experience in carpet repair and carpet stretching services for over a decade in
the Riverside area. We are able to provide a quality service with professional results. In most cases, your
carpet looking like new. Carpet stretching services greatly enhance the appearance of your carpet and extend
the life of the carpet overall.
Our mission is to supply the absolute best service without breaking the bank. Our equipment makes the
process easier and faster, therefore we are able to be more flexible with our pricing. Its quick, simple and
the process restores your carpet like you remember it. Sometimes a simple carpet repair is all you need to
change the overall look inside your home.
- Pre-inspection of damaged areas
- Measure areas of concern
- Will move all furniture necessary in order to complete service
- Repair carpet with professional power stretcher
- Kick, trim, and re-install carpet
- Move furniture back
- Pre-inspection of damaged carpet
- Cut a piece of new carpet from an inconspicuious area, or use extra carpet if provided
- Match size and grain of damaged area
- Seam or glue new piece of carpet depending on size
- Blend carpet fibers for a seamless look
Contact us today for a free on site estimate.